
Originally uploaded by clairevoyant paranoia.
the most wonderful kelly snook gave us her trampoline when she left town. it fits perfectly in our back yard and we love it!!
jumping on the trampoline is so much fun. i remember, as a child, spending hours jumping alone on my grandma's trampoline. i don't quite have that energy anymore, but i still love it. i was trying to jump at least 15 minutes every day (it is harder and more strenuous than it looks), but it has been cold and rainy most days of late. regardless, i think the trampoline and i have gotten our relationship off to a good start.
yay, trampolines!!! i'm so happy my little (slightly rusty old) trampoline has a good home. it is TOTALLY more strenuous than it looks. i had it for six months and could never get up enough nerve to try one single trick (unless you count jumping down to your knees and back up as a trick, but kids would scoff at that). can you do any tricks, claire? i bet you can. the trouble is that the ratio of trampoline surface area to body surface areas is much closer to 1 now than it was when we were kids. we'd need like a 20' trampoline to have the kind of space we had then to mess up.
nope, no tricks yet. i remember i was fearless on the trampoline when i was little. that didn't always work out well - my only serious injury was the sprained ankle i got playing trampoline dodge ball with my uncle and cousins. there were maybe five of us jumping and two throwing the ball very hard trying to peg us. fun, but not safe in any way. i feel sorry for kids today as they are kept so safe, what with their nets around their trampolines and bumper pads over the springs. tisk-tisk.
i have been working on my funny jumps. sometimes i try to jump up and touch my toes like some demented cheerleader. that's fun.
p.s. could you get NASA to build us a 20' trampoline? that would be so awesome! surely it would help the astronauts with their weightless acrobatics. please.
i'll get right on it.
I, for one, would really like to see a trampoline big enough for an elephant to use. That would be fantastic.
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