neglected loves
so, like many bloggers, i am not very good at posting regularly. it has been almost an entire month of silence. in my defense, i will say that we were out of town for much of the time since my previous post, and then our cable modem system imploded. but really, is this forum for personal introspection really supposed to be one more thing i feel guilty about neglecting? it goes right into my long list of neglected loves: the dishes, my friends who live far away, my friends who live close, the laundry, the floors, the crafts, the gre, and on and on.
speaking of our being out of town, we had a great time in brenham. it was nice to get away from the guilt of daily living (see the list above) for no real reason, to a place that felt far away, but was really only an hour and a half drive. we had the most luxurious room at the ant street inn - and it was glorious! the coolest thing about the room was the old wooden barn door (in order to open it, you had to unlatch and swing down an old metal pole) that led out into the wonderful little garden, which we basically had to ourselves. and they offered as much bluebell ice cream as you could eat! we went easy on the ice cream, actually; john paul had three little cartons, but i just had one, which i used to make a coke float.

we had a wonderful thanksgiving in miami.

as you can see, there are many stories to tell. you can see more teasers here. the details will have to wait though, as i am getting sleepy.
on a totally unrelated note, tonight at work, i was very excited to see that louis de bernières has a new book out! birds without wings is the title. there are definite perks to working in a library. de bernières is one of my favorite authors. if you haven't already, i strongly encourage you to read his trilogy which begins with
the war of don emmanuel's nether parts. and while i love this book - and the trilogy - i did point out to de bernières that it was a bit of a euro-centric stereotype of latin america, and he did sign a personal apology to me in my copy of the book. (nothing quite like being an anthropology undergraduate, eh?)
until next time.
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