where to begin?
written 4/27/05:
sorry to be so neglectful of you, dear reader. march was really a rotten month. april was significantly better. i have high hopes for may.
our move went pretty well.

many of my strapping young cousins were in town, and willing to help. it is amazing how fast you can move with five adolescent boys. many thanks to justin and wendy, who helped immeasurably.
of course we moved and promptly left town.

we spent a delightful week in washington, d.c. so many great people live in dc, and we were fortunate enough to spend time with almost all of them. the cherry trees were at their peak bloom while we were there. they were heartbreakingly beautiful. i am so totally in love with d.c. we know many people who live there, but i still can’t imagine how a regular person can possibly afford to. if i had a better imagination, or a higher earning potential, i would be there in a heartbeat!
written 5/18/05:
hello, if you are still out there. things are much the same as they were last month. days go by and not much changes.
last weekend was a great one, with friday marking my favorite celebration - pie day friday!! for those of you who don't know the tradition, every friday the thirteenth, i make pies and friends come over to eat them and celebrate. in times past, we would also watch a really cheesy horror movie too (the first pie day friday was marked by a viewing of the classic saturday the fourteenth. it was one of my favorite movies when i was about 8, but i can't say it held up as well as one might have hoped.) i preferred this pie day friday, as we had a sizable turn out and we just talked rather than watched a movie. my favorite pie this time 'round was the fresh strawberry rhubarb pie. the key lime was the most popular, but i like the fresh fruit pies the best.
saturday was the art car parade! from our new location, we could walk just a few blocks south and be at a prime viewing location. several friends parked at our house and walked over with us. it was excellent, as always.
this weekend should be fantastic as well. mr. harry moren is coming into town from seattle. i am sure many adventures will ensue.
last month some time, i really enjoyed re-reading dr. seuss' oh, the places you'll go linked off of kelly's blog.
un-slumping yourself
is not easily done....
simple it's not, i'm afraid you will find,
for a mind-maker-upper to make up his mind.
that's exactly where i am. stuck in the most useless place, the waiting place. and while i agree, no! that's not for me! i still can't quite see my way out of the slump. i feel like i get close to setting a definitive path and then the wind dies down and i'm left drifting, wondering should i go left or should i go right? up or down or simply turn around? this mind-maker-upper is having a most difficult time.
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